Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Just finished the third leg..35 miles. Total of 80 for the day so far.. one more then we will be in annapolis.Md


BTW.. hot and sunny in Maryland


Good start to day 3. 27 miles in.. thanks for the comments. Hit some killer hills earlier.. about 70 miles left today..
Getting ready for day 3. Another 100 today. Weather looks good so it should be a good day. Off to breakfast..
Getting ready for day 3. Another 100 today. Weather looks good so it should be a good day. Off to breakfast..
Day 2 was also very hilly.. we averaged about 18 mph for the day.
I feel pretty good, well as good as u can after 94 miles. It was hot and sunny all day so the ride was enjoyable.
Recap of yesterday.. total 94 miles, went over the commodor Barry bridge.. that was wild..
Not sure what happened with the last few posts. Guess that's what happens after 94 miles.. awesome day..

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The bridge..

A quick ceremony for a fallen officer

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Heading out.. next leg 30 miles..
Grabbing lunch in the shade.. so far so good.. just a bit warm..
54 miles down.. the last 25 was a lot of hills.. up and down the entire way.. averaged about 18-19 Mph.. moving pretty good.

Look at CJ zimmerman.. MCDO.. what a hunka hunka man...

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Not really sure where we are though. Didn't take any pictures this morning.. I will try and take a few on the next leg.
25 miles down..75 to go. The weather is great which makes it that much better.
Getting ready for day 2. Just a quick 100 miles today. The weather looks good 75 sunny the whole way. Should be a good day.
Day 1 was incredible, words and pictures just don't do it justice. The reception we received for 65 miles was incredible.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Go to to see a video news broadcast of the tour..

Dinner.... at the dahli Lama.

Freedom tower

At the start

Just got to the hotel. Day 1 65 miles.. I will put some photos on shortly.. great ride. We all made it safe..
A quick ride through ground zero.. bag pipes playing.. very cool..

Ground zero.. the new freedom tower

Heading out to ground zero in a minute. The morning ride was great.. hit 35 mph at one point.. gotta go..
What a morning.30 miles in. Stopping just before we go to ground zero.. absolutely incredible..

Getting ready to roll... weather is nice..25 miles to ground zero..

This sounded like a good idea in November.. they don't tell you, you have to get up at 4 AM....

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Made it to Jersey, scheduled to start riding at 7:00 AM. We will be traveling through the Holland tunnel at 10 AM on our way to ground zero.
On our way to Jersey... unfortunately one man down.. my roommate is home with the flu.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Last day of training. We are heading to jersey sunday morning...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011